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  • Writer's pictureNora Sorensen

Event's Planning & Menage a Trois

Hosting an event that is heart driven is like a menage a trois between desires, needs and reality. I know you might not think of a threesome when it comes to event planning, but I do.

It takes careful planning, consent and honest conversations between these parts. It's not an easy thing to pull off. Each element has its own issues and might be pulling in different directions, so gentle awareness is needed.


Most of us focus on one or two, disregarding the rest. For example, sometimes we are driven only by the desire to have an event in a luxurious setting with lots of people, while maybe our needs require something small and less stressful that nourishes us instead. Also, our financial reality might not be able to support all the desired ideas. Or it can be the other way around. We have the financial means, but we haven't been in touch with our needs and desires lately, so we don't really know what we want. Or the reality is so strong that it overshadows our needs and wishes. The budget is essential but should not be a bully and decide everything. Either way, these scenarios are a recipe for disaster. Even if you go ahead, manipulate and convince the other elements to work with you, chances are that the event will leave you with a bitter taste and unsatisfied.


My suggestions, no matter what event you host, organise or plan, is to spend some time with each of these elements and be curious about them. When all sides are listened to, honoured and satisfied, it's truly a glorious moment, just like a threesome, I would guess.


There is also something we need to be constantly aware of these days.

Mark Manson says it better than me.

"The pervasiveness of technology, mass marketing and media it screwing up a lot of people's expectations for themselves. The inundation of the exceptional makes people feel worse about themselves, makes them feel that they need to be more extreme, more radical, and more self-assured to get noticed or even matter." Mark Manson

And this influence can be seen when it comes to events quite easily. The message we are bombarded with is that: it's not enough to have simple fun; you need to have the right location and the latest trend regarding decorations and entertainment—the more bombastic, the better.


It takes strength and awareness to not let media, trends, and outside pressures influence our decisions when it comes to events. Comes to think about it, all aspects of our lives can be easily affected by these.


I wish for all humans to have authentic events that celebrate life and our unique self from the heart and are aligned with our needs, desires and reality. It might be hard to nail all three elements and things could go pear shaped but it's worth trying.

From my heart, always, Nora

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