Not only #love, as we need so many other things. But to know, #express, #respect, #ask, pursue our #needs, we start with love, more precisely with self-love.
And that is what we are going to explore on the
21st of June at ⭐ The Monday Club ⭐ at the Summer Solstice Love Ritual, with Sarah & Tony Pletts. To join us in a small gathering at Blackheath Conservatoire, click HERE. Limited space. £15/ticket
What is love? As a child love, was always a relationship to another person, pets, stuff. Sometimes love meant to sacrifice for or please others. Self-love was not in our vocabulary. I discovered that much later in my life and understood that I couldn't love others without self-love.
Love is:
saying YES to new ideas & experiences as you trust yourself
saying NO to things that no longer serve you
be silent when there is nothing to be shared
walking hand in hand with grief and loss
fearless and brave to take action
intense and changing your life
taking time for yourself
vulnerability in action
uplifting and joyful
felt without words
said but not felt
what we all need
healing wounds
I love, love. I love receiving love and giving it away. I also learned that love is #infinite. You never run out of it. Actually, the more you give it away, the more you have. When master Sushi lays on my chest, and I hear her heart and breath, I feel love and #gratitude for having her in my #life. I get softer and worries melt away. She does this to have a better view of the garden, but I don't care. She knows her needs, and I love her for it. I love many things, humans, experiences, food and I will not bore you with the details. You get the drift.
I will be doing a few videos about love in the next few days as that will be so much fun, expect hippie stuff. Check them out on my media and share the love.
Love, Nora